Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New 2008
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
The Day After Christmas
Friday, December 21, 2007
Good week
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
ups and downs
Friday, December 7, 2007
Friday update
Monday, December 3, 2007
Getting out more
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Noelle's Wedding
What a crazy beautiful blessed weekend! Noelle and Paul's wedding was absolutely wonderful and the weather at the coast on Monday couldn't have been greater in the middle of summer let alone the middle of November. The ceremony was held at 1:00 in the afternoon on the patio of Cannon's overlooking the Dana Point harbor - very close to the same spot I proposed to Joyce about 35 years ago! Pastor Mark officiated and I, of course, walked my daughter down the aisle. I wore Joyce's wedding ring on my little finger.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Getting Ready
Monday, November 5, 2007
4 months
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Surgery Cancelled
Sunday, October 21, 2007
I have written a few times about the uncertainty of my identity and ministry and purpose in life since the loss of my lovely Joyce. God has been ministering to me a lot during the past couple of weeks so I would like to share a little of what He has been showing me.
Being one flesh for nearly 35 years created a unique identity in that, tho we were still individuals, in a mystical beautiful way we functioned in life as a unit. Everything each of us said and did and even thought impacted the other - sometimes in ways we could see - but more often in ways we could not. Tho we were individuals we were not independent of each other. And that was wonderful and I'm so thankful for that relationship. So now that our life together has been completed (til death do us part) and she has gone on to her eternal reward in heaven, I find myself at times groping to understand who I am without her and what my life will be like in the months and years ahead - should the Lord give me more length of days.
Mercifully the Lord is not silent. He has been speaking many things to my heart and tho I don't have a clear vision of specifics, I do have a greater sense of His peace and His desire to continue to use my life for His purposes. You'ld think that would be a "no-brainer" but in grief often the link between theology and reality gets really blurred.
In His Arm's,
Thursday, October 18, 2007
In Mesquite
I'm sort of marinating in all that happened at the missions conference the past few days. I know one thing for sure, God still has a plan for my life. Tho I can't see ahead very clearly right now it's not as murky as it was a few weeks ago. And that excites me! I'm anxious to get my surgery behind me, heal up, and move ahead in the things God has for me and for our church and its' outreaches.
There is still so much more God wants to do thru us if stay in love with Jesus and remain yielded to His will and purposes for us. May His Word dwell in you richly as you serve Him and one another!
In His Arm's,
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Send the Message
Saturday, October 13, 2007
A bit harder
Monday, October 8, 2007
Friday, October 5, 2007
3 Months
It's been three months now since my Joyce was taken to heaven. It's still hard to comprehend that she's gone and not coming back. I'm not troubled with the "why" questions much anymore. I know where she is and Who she is with! I also am keenly aware that she is not with me. I've been traveling a bit the last few weeks, visiting family and friends has been good for me and for them - but nearly every day I felt like I needed to call Joyce and see how she's doing and fill her in on all the new happenings with everyone. And I couldn't do that. Coming home to an empty house after each trip was also surreal. It's like time stopped while I was gone and when I opened the door everything was exactly as I left it. Nothing was moved, nothing was cooking, nothing new was added, nothing old taken away - then I open the refrigerator and realize that a few things had changed...and needed to be tossed in the trash :-)

Saturday, September 29, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Back Home - briefly
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
New Server
Friday, September 7, 2007
In between, I'm either back at the church or doing stuff with the police dept. pretty much every day and I'll be teaching this Sunday in Luke 22. Terry and Nancy Clark will be leading us in worship Sunday morning and I'm looking forward to a sweet time of gathering together with my church family to glorify our Lord.
I've also found this past week the Lord giving me opportunity to minister to many folks facing cancer....some near the end of their battle and some just starting. Tho my wounds are still pretty fresh, the Lord has given me strength and peace to encourage and counsel those who are hurting and fearful - I can look them in the eye and say, "I really do know what you're going thru!" I'm so grateful for those opportunities.
I just want to encourage all of you to stay connected to your church family and seek opportunities to serve one another. Pray for your pastors and leaders and keep a tender heart towards the lost and lonely in our communities.
Have a blessed weekend!
In His Arm's,
Monday, September 3, 2007
Labor Day
Today I drove out to Carlsbad and walked for an hour early in the morning - it wasn't as hard as the last time I was there alone, when Joyce was in her last couple of weeks. Ran into a brother in the Lord I hadn't seen in at least 10 years - he walked with me a while and we had some good fellowship - he didn't know that Joyce passed away and it shook him....that kind of encounter still happens several times a week - I find myself having to bring comfort to them - even while I'm still grieving - and that's OK - just strange - sort of an "out of body" experience!
Anyway, it was a good morning and this afternoon my daughter drove down from LA to spend the rest of this week with me - the house is just too quiet when I'm the only one there. Glad to have her here!
That's about it for now. I'm the duty chaplain for the Escondido Police Dept. thru September - should be an interesting month!
Love to all of you! Stay close to Jesus!
In His Arm's,
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Waiting and not liking it!
Most people I know really don't like to wait - including myself! Waiting seems to deny selfs constant drive to control. Thus learning to wait on the Lord implies willingness to yield to His control and His timing. It seems I'm often like a hyperactive kid inside - not wanting to slow down and just rest in His purposes. I've been frustrated with the delay in scheduling my surgery - was told it could be another month before it's even scheduled - because the doc didn't check the box "urgent" the surgery is considered elective routine and thus is low on the priority list. I did leave a message today for my surgeon requesting he expidite the order - me trying to make something happen :-)
I just have to laugh a little at my self at how antsy I get when I can't plan things I feel I need to do. Anyway I just have to accept the fact that God knows all about the schedule and has a perfect time prepared - and He's not going to clue me in until He's ready - and maybe not till I'm ready and resting in His timing.
Looking back at the last few days I have to say they were pretty full. It was such a joy to be able to teach at the morning services last Sunday. Then had dinner with my inlaws and visiting my newly wed son and daughterinlaw - and a bunch of the grandkids. Monday I did a ride-a-long with a police officer friend of mine, and went to a Padre game at Petco with some good friends. Tuesday I had breakfast with a couple retired cops - I've been a police chaplain for many years - and am trying to reconnect after a long absence due to Joyce's illness. Today was all day at the church office.
So I'm trying to keep busy while I'm waiting - just sitting around is depressing and I really don't want to veg. I want the Lord's will in my life - right now it's day by day surrender. Thanks for continuing to pray for me, my family, and our church.
In His Arm's (squirming),
Pat :-)
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Weekend update
Been at the church office every day and gradually getting back into the flow of the ministry. I do plan on leading worship for Miles' study this evening and teaching this Sunday at the morning services - first time since Mother's Day. Still not sure of a regular return to the pulpit tho. The scheduling of my surgery is still pending - it could happen in a couple of weeks or a couple of months - I'm praying sooner rather than later...some days are good; some not so good. If it's later, then I'ld still like to try a short trip to the Chicago area to visit my family and my brother, Mike, in particular who just finished 6 months of treatment for esophogal cancer. My mom turned 87 last month and I'ld like to give her a hard time for a little while :-)
That's the nutshell! Hope your day is blessed and fruitful!
In His Arm's,
Monday, August 20, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Mon. evening
I've had, overall, a pretty calm last few days. Been at church a lot and that's been good for me. Many have been asking me when I'll return to teaching on Sunday mornings - and to that question I'm just not sure right now. Soon I think - but I think it's important that my resuming my teaching duties is in the Lord's time and not mine. Miles is doing a wonderful job on Sunday mornings and I couldn't be more proud and pleased. The church is being fed the Word and people are growing. So if my ministry is more supportive and behind the scenes for a little while longer that's OK by me! The scheduling of my colon surgery is also a factor and that hopefully will get on the calendar sometime before the end of this week.
My son's wedding is this Saturday and that will be keeping me busy the next few days.
God bless and keep all of you in His love!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
A Good Week
Haven't posted much this week - sometimes no news is good news! After a blah day on Monday I had specific things to do the past three days and actually felt Ok inside. The gut wrenching pit in my heart is slowly healing and I'm getting a greater sense of the Lord moving me ahead. It's been nice to have a couple of back to back days that weren't so emotionally painful.
My brother was able to finish his chemo today and wasn't feeling too bad. I still don't have a date yet for my surgery - should know by early next week. Don't ya love waiting :-)
As always, I deeply appreciate your continued prayer for my family and I. We have a busy week next week as my son Jordan is marrying his Jr. High sweetheart next Saturday - and he asked me to be his best man. I'll try to post a couple pictures of the event.
Keep loving one another!
In His Arm's,
Sunday, August 5, 2007
One Month
because she wasn't with me. Pretty selfish I admit, but not easy to shake.
But this week there was some joy and tho the fog rolled in a few times, it didn't last too long.
Church this morning was special too. It just seemed like a big family gathering and for the first time in quite a while, I felt OK laughing and enjoying the fellowship. God is so faithful!
This coming week I hope to nail down a date for my colon surgery. I'm not really worried about it - just want to get it done and start moving forward with what God has planned. Also have another bereavement group meeting on Wednesday.
In His Arm's,
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
On the emotional and spiritual side, I began the process of bereavement counseling this week by first attending a session of "Griefshare" at Emmanuel Faith Comm. Church. It's a twelve week series which was in it's 11th week. I felt a little awkward there because #1 I was the youngest widowed person in attendance and #2 there were a lot of hurting people there and it was hard to not be in the "pastor" "caregiver" mode and just be a regular person who was hurting as well.
But it was interesting and the next session begins in mid September and I'll likely hook up with it from the beginning at that time.
I also drove up to San Clemente today and met with a grief counselor who was very helpful and not only helped me understand a little better what was going on emotionally, but also ministered to me thru the Word as well. It was good talking about how much I loved Joyce. He said that often the deeper the love the more intense the grief. And so we talked thru a bunch of things and I felt maybe the beginings of healing. It's going to take a long time but that's OK.
Tomorrow I'm meeting with another pastor friend who lost his wife to cancer this past April. I'm looking forward to our fellowship.
I'ld also like to ask you to please keep praying for my kids and relatives as they are also trying to cope with Joyce's death - it's been hard for them too.
One last thing, could you also please lift up my brother, Mike, in Illinois. He's been in chemo and radiation for esophagus cancer for several months now and is having a rough go being able to finish his final week of treatments. It's been postponed twice due to low blood counts and an infected feeding tube. Pray for relief and strength and complete remission of his cancer.
Love to all of you!
In His Arm's,
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Laying Low
Today, Sunday, Miles was teaching and I decided to lay low at home while prepping for my Barrium E. test tomorrow. I've had to be on a clear liquid only diet today and in a couple hours have to drink a gallon of the same nasty solution I had to take when I was prepping for my colonoscopy a couple of months ago. Makes one need to stay 'close to home' to say the least!
Pray it all goes well tomorrow and the doc has all the info he needs to recommend the best course of action. It's uncomfortable facing these things without Joyce by my side.
In His Arm's,
Friday, July 27, 2007
med stuff
Also, I was able to set a couple of appts. next week to begin some bereavement/grief counseling - need to get started on that because I don't counsel myself very well :-) - at least not in these areas.
Hope you all have a safe and blessed weekend.
In His Arm's,
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
midweek musings
In His Arm's,
Monday, July 23, 2007
One goal this week is to connect with some grief support group meeting in our area. I have a few options and need to pick one and follow thru.
The last verses of Psalms 31 and 32 encouraged my heart this morning:
Ps 31:24 Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the LORD.(NKJ)
Ps 32:9-10 Do not be like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding, which must be harnessed with bit and bridle, else they will not come near you. Many sorrows shall be to the wicked; but he who trusts in the LORD, mercy shall surround him.(NKJ)
Thanks, as always, for your continued prayer for me and my family.
In His Arm's,
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Good friends, good counsel
It helped set the pace for a day of continuing the process of working thru the paperwork side of Joyce's passing. It's hard each time I have to remove Joyce's name from an account or close one of hers - I almost have to apologize to her in an odd sort of way.
Later in the afternoon I picked up my granddaughter from her day care and when my son got off work we all met Nick and his daughter for an evening Padre game at Petco Park downtown.
Jordan had never been to a game at Petco and it was the first game we got to take Kaylee too.
The Padres choked but we all had a nice time and Kaylee got to spend the night. Noelle and Paul came down from LA to spend the weekend with me as well.
So the Lord blessed with a sort of reprieve day from the previous few! Thanks again for all the prayer and concern so many are showing to my family and I as we press on thru these days of grieving and adjustment.
I hope to share a little at tomorrows services before Richard brings the study in Luke 18.
Pray your weekend is blessed and fruitful!
In His Arm's,
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I cry out to the Lord for strength and peace and patience. I'm also looking into some bereavement support systems - many others have lost a spouse they loved so much and go on to have a fruitful life. But for now, each day is a challenge to just keep my thoughts from going
places they shouldn't. Kinda rambling here - today was 2 weeks since my treasures' passing.
I've never experienced this kind of detachment and lonliness. I'm sure the Lord will use it down the road to minister to others but for now it's the pits. Sorry, I'm at a loss to finding silver linings. People console me that she's in a better place, experiencing the glories of heaven...and somehow, right now it's just hard to say "Praise God" and "Yeah, isn't that just glorious!" I know folks mean well but each condolence feels more like a knife in my heart. I know that will ease up with time as well. I guess I just don't need platitudes - just weep with them that weep.
Please understand I'm not meaning to be harsh to the many well wishers - I deeply do appreciate the time and effort to send a card or make a comment or shoot off an email - I just am having a hard time graciously processing it all. And then going home to the empty house that sings of Joyce everywhere I look. I don't want her in a better place, I want her here - and as David said of his child who died - Paraphrasing: she can't come to me - but I can go to her - someday. I just miss her so. For nearly 4 years I anticipated this happening and now that it has - it's worse than I imaginined. I need to begin healing - please help it begin soon Lord!
Kinda of a down post - sorry! Just been a hard few days. It's so good to have so many people around me who do care and want to help. May God guide us all in that process.
In His Arm's,
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Setting Course
Instead, I decided to drive up to Murrieta and visit with Joyce's folks for a while. They were both overwhelmed by the love shown for their daughter at her memorial service. Then I drove over to my son's home and had dinner with him and Anna and the grandkids. Those were the right things to do and resulted in a better ending of the day.
I slept better last night and was up earlier (and easier) this morning, read in the Word a while and went over a couple of devotions from Our Daily Bread. Then it was off to the Honda dealer for service on my car and over to the church for a meeting with my staff pastors.
It was agreed by all that I really need to take time to heal, to rest a while and be refreshed, and to have my passion and vision for the ministry recharged and refocused. I also have some health issues to deal with before I plunge back into the work - and there is still much work to do! So my request would be for prayer for wisdom on setting that course over the next few months and patience to wait on the Lord and not press in my own strength.
This evening, it's off to one of our home fellowship groups.
In His Arm's,
Sunday, July 15, 2007
A different reality
Today I had breakfast with my sister and two nieces from the Chicago area before their flight back to the mid west. Though the time was short, they were able to spend some good time with Jordan and Noelle and the grandkids - and had some good bonding time with their west coast family.
Noelle and Paul headed back up to LA this afternoon leaving me to an empty house for the first time. The process of facing a new reality is upon me. As the afternoon wore on I found myself overcome several times with a deep sense of loss and grief. I had a choice to stay at home this evening or get out and do something. I chose the latter and headed over to church for the Sunday nite prayer meeting. It was clearly the right thing for me to do. Only a few folks had gathered and Pastor Josh led the devotion and then we all prayed for one another and for folks who were hurting and for wisdom for the leadership of our church. It was a simple, sweet time and I felt refreshed and at peace when I got back home this evening.
I'm sure I have so much to learn about living without Joyce in this new reality. She has been so much a part of me for 35 years - but I can't forget that the Lord has also been a part of that three fold cord all these years and He is still with me. So I'm not alone and that is reality.
We'll see what this week unfolds - thanks for your continuing prayer!
In His Arm's,
Friday, July 13, 2007
Tomorrow is Joyce's memorial service. I think I'm a little sick to my stomach just thinking about the emotions we'll all be feeling. Again, so many people are helping with the entire event!
I know it will be a hard but beautiful day of thanksgiving and rememberance.
Love to all of you!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Wednesday - late
Tomorrow it will be one week since she passed.
In His Arm's,
Monday, July 9, 2007
I still feel like she's only at a retreat or on a short missions trip to Belize and at any moment the phone will ring and I'll hear her say "I'm on my way home!" While I was running errands today and headed home, I would insticntively grap my cell phone to call her and let her know I'll be home in 10 minutes...been doing that for years!
Life indeed is going to be very different - not bad, just different; a "new normal" a friend of mine said, would be found.
Thankfully the Lord is the same, yeasterday, today and forever. His grace is sufficient to see me and my family thru. What firm a foundation we have in Christ. May He continue to use all of this for His glory!
In His comforting Arm's,
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Today we began planning for Joyce's memorial service. Pray for strength and peace as we prepare for Saturday's service.
In His Arm's,
Pat and Family
Friday, July 6, 2007
A day without; 7-6
I slept Ok but woke this morning feeling so empty and sad and sort of aimless. My kids and I had to take care of some things at the mortuary this morning - and I was able to see Joyce's still smiling body one last time. I wept harder than I ever had - and kissed her one last time on her now cold lips - it was still sweet. Then we quietly headed home; took care of some errands and just prayed for the day to be over. Our granddaughter Kaylee was over for a few hours and she always brings a special joy to all of us.
I think we have settled on initial plans for her memorial service. It is being planned for Sat, July 14 at 11:00am at Emmanuel Faith Community Chruch in Escondido, with a reception immediately following. More on that later - for further info just call Calvary Escondido - 760-489-6255.
In His Arm's,
Pat and family
Thursday, July 5, 2007
She's Home! July 5th
My daughter Noelle and her fiance, Paul, my son Jordan, and Joyce's sister, Nancy, were with me when she passed. Christi Olson had just arrived for the morning watch. As precious as each one helping us was - we are all thankful the watch is finished.
We haven't settled on the day or time for a memorial service - but it will likely be towards the end of next week. The info will be posted here and on Calvary Escondido's web site.
I don't know what else to say right now except, thank you all for your encouragement and support these past few months.
Blessed Be the Name of the Lord!
In His Arm's,
Pat and family
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Day 17 - July 4
In His Arm's,
Pat and Family
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Tuesday Afternoon
In His Arm's,
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Sunday afternoon Day 14
Thanks for all you've given already!
In His Arm's,
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Sat. Nite Day 13
Day 13 began rough with continued restlessness. All nite last nite she was awake and trying to get up. She has no strength in her legs so she had to be constantly held and moved back on the bed. By 8:00 we finally decided it was time to move Joyce to the hospital bed we had set up in the guest bedroom. For her saftey and the health and strength of those caring for her we had to make the move. Her restless continued unabated thruout the day til around 5pm. The doc had called and suggested mixing a couple benadryl's with her regular meds and lo and behold, in 20 minutes she was asleep. She was stirring again around 8pm and at 9 we gave her her next dose of meds including the benadryl and as I'm writing (about 10pm) she's sleeping again. Toni H. is our nite watch angel this evening. If you read this tonite, please pray for her as well.
For a few moments this evening we thought she was about to go but it's still not the Lord's time.
I have a greater peace this evening then I did yesterday. So many encouraging comments have been written - they've become like medicine for my soul. Thank you all for taking the time to pray and comment as the Lord leads you.
His mercies are new every morning and His compassions they fail not!
In His Arm's Still,
Pat and Joyce
Friday, June 29, 2007
Friday evening
We did, but her restless continued thru most of the day. This afternoon our nurse was able to help relieve her of some severe constipation and she slept about three hours after that. But around 7pm. she was awake and scooting to the edge of the bed again - a process she does about every 15 minutes - her nurses, her doctor, and all of us who are caring for her have no idea where she is getting the strength to keep doing that! She's not able to really communicate much but she can still laugh, raise her eyebrows at me when I try to get her to lay back down, and occasionally reach her arm around one of our necks.
This evening we switched her pain meds to dilaudid which her hospice doc felt might be less contributing to her anxiety than the morphine. Dianna C. is our nite watch angel. Please pray for her to have strength and wisdom as she watches Joyce thru the nite hours. My daughter has been tending to Joyce's personal needs almost non stop. Please pray for Noelle that she get the rest she needs. Pray for all of us for patience and peace. And as I know you all are doing, pray for Joyce that can relax and sleep and complete her journey.
I did go for a walk this evening just around our neighborhood. My legs felt like they had 20lb weights attached. My mind was just wrestling with the Lord again. Trying to understand His will and purposes in permitting Joyce to go through this as she is - it's just too much to wrap my understanding around. I was trying to examine my own motives in asking for His mercy. Was I being selfish because I'm so tired and just want it all to be over? Maybe that's part of it - honestly I think most of our requests to the Lord have a tinge of selfishness in them - I don't want to struggle; I don't want to hurt; I don't want to see those I love hurt; and I don't readily enjoy having to endure trials. Counting it all joy is easy when everything is easy - but when your world is falling apart it's a whole other dimension of faith.
I think I'm maybe grasping a little more the pain the Father must have felt when Jesus was dying on the cross for my sin. And I know I'm learning more about the pain and agony so many families have suffered in losing a loved one. I hope it makes me more compassionate, softer, less controlling, more able to weep with them that weep. I don't want to be bitter towards God or anyone else. Help me Lord! Help us all to draw near and be what You want us to be!
In His Arm's,
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Day 11
Her nurse adjusted her meds again this afternoon to try to calm her restlessness. We'll see how she does tonight.
I did have an opportunity early this morning to talk with her and it seemed she was listening intently. I tried to explain again what was happening to her, what we were trying to do to keep her comfortable, how good the kids were doing, and then I shared some promises from the Word and talked about heaven. It was a very special time and I think she understood most of what I was saying.
This evening, I needed to get out of the house a while and drove down to the beach and went for a walk along the Carlsbad sea wall - a walk Joyce and I did many, many times. The ocean, just after sunset was pristine. Unexpectedly, I felt very alone tho the ocean front was filled with people. I'll never have Joyce by my side walking hand in hand along the beach again. Maybe I should have just stayed in Esco and walked around the block where I only need to deal with cars and barking dogs.
Well, it's around 11pm again and I need to wrap it up for now. His will be done!
In His Arm's
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Joyce still hangs on this evening - just an amazing drive to survive in my sweetheart. Mercifully, she hasn't been as distressed today - increasingly disoriented but not as fearful.
Noelle, Paul and I have been going for walks in the evening and tonight's was quiet and contemplative for the three of us. We were just lost in our thoughts. I know her passing isn't far away - but at times it seems like what we're enduring will never stop - I know down the road we'll no doubt look back at this time and see it as fairly quick and even now I'm thanking God for His mercy.
I try to think about life without her and it's like hitting a forcefield - I can't imagine it. She is still here and my heart will not allow me to go past today.
I did hear the results of my CT scan last Friday. Bottomline was some obstruction/constricting of the colon but no evidence of cancer. Surgery is an option but not an immediate necessity. I will be setting up an appointment with a surgeon to discuss the pros and cons of surgically removing the problem area - in the meantime, as many of you my age are dealing with, NO nuts, seeds, popcorn, corn, etc. and high fiber. Maybe I'm gonna need to learn how to cook :-)
So as we get ready to go thru the 10th nite of Joyce's journey to glory, we pray again for the Lord's mercy upon her. The chorus of Greg Fadness's song, Might be Today come to mind:
"It might be today I look into Your eyes; Might be today I see Your face; Might be today You place Your wounded hands; On my tear-stained face, it might be today!"
In His Arm's, Pat
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Troubling day! 6-26
Our nurse said that after 4-5 days of similar vital signs, this morning she showed a drop in her blood pressure. With circulation becoming more difficult, the medications for pain and anxiety can become less effective - a condition that usually occurs in the final day or two before passing.
It seemed that Joyce's meds were not keeping her comfortable thru most of the day. She had a few times of laughing and recognizing family but seemed more fearful most of the time. It was like she was calling out to people she knows for help or answers. She had one word questions like "Why?" and "Purpose?" We have increased her meds some this evening and hope she's able to have a calm night.
Many of us would like to think that right before death we'ld see angels or the Lord Himself and that we'ld hear the beautiful worship of heaven and all would be a calm peaceful passing from our old tents into our eternal homes. I haven't seen that yet. Maybe something's going on in the realm of the spirit that niether we nor Joyce can see with our human capacities. But it seems that her body and mind are fighting harder than ever to not let go. When we try to assure her that it's OK to let go she, several times this evening, said "No!" And it leaves us all frustrated that we can't make it better.
Our hospice nurse did say this morning that the changes could acclerate downward very quickly pretty much at any time now. But she could also fight like this for several more days. And it's just not neat and pretty. We wonder at times is it still possible that she could pull out of this? With the Lord we know that all things are possible. We also know God in His purposes allows people to die - He permits the natural process of dying usually without interference. If the Lord were to miraculously heal Joyce she would have greater clarity of thought and begin to desire food and water - so far she has had niether for the past 9 days now. The body adapts amazingly quickly to inceased dosing of morphine - so if the disease was controlled or gone she would be markedly alert and engaging.
Have I lost hope? Let me say clearly that my hope is not in this frail life to continue forever. My hope is in Jesus Who will give eternal life in heaven. So I'm not mad at God for allowing Joyce to go thru all this - I don't like it - I wish it were different - but I know what's on the other side - and I know her pain and fear and doubt today will soon be swallowed up by Life eternal.
We just have to go through this and I pray God will be glorified!
In His Arm's (still)!
Pat and Joyce
Monday, June 25, 2007
Monday Evening
We keep assuring her how much we love her and how much we will love and take care of each other when she's gone. Gently letting her know it's all going to be OK. It's getting harder for me to see her and talk to her because when I do she tries to move and think and want's to say things but then goes blank - and the end result is mild agitation and often then she shows signs of pain or discomfort. Maybe we're still too connected and just sitting next to her often seems too much to bear for both of us.
She usually calms down on her own, but today we had to increase her meds a couple of times.
She's sleeping now - pretty deep - and as I laydown to try to catch a few hours - the last thought on my mind is the Lord recieving her to Himself...and the knock on my door that she's gone. His compassions they fail not! Great is His mercy and faithfulness.
Good night!
Monday afternoon 6-25
Well Joyce continues to hold on to life! Her hospice nurse told us this morning that the death process for younger cancer patients, who had been healthy except for the cancer, often takes longer than those who were older and suffering from other ailments. In Joyce's case her heart is strong, her kidneys have not been diseased, her mind is still processing...and she's just not quite ready to go. She does not seem to be distressed nor in much discomfort or pain. Her lungs are clear and no bed sores either. Her blood pressure and pulse were a bit fainter this morning but still pretty normal 118/80 with a pulse of 96 and only a slight temp. When she is awake she is often laughing softly...several times today she'ld say out of the blue, "That's funny!" and "Ya know what?"
It could still be a few more days but things could also change very quickly. So we love her while we wait! Theresa P. was with her this morning and read to her a lot from the Word - Joyce had some longer periods where she was awake but not agitated - thanks Lord for that! Christi O. is with her now and it's pretty quiet in the house again today.
Thanks again for continuing with us in prayer and the lifting of our arm's as we wait.
In His Arm's,
Sunday, June 24, 2007
The house has been quiet today as well. We've all been able to take a deep breath and rest as well. Our watching "angels" continue round the clock to sit with Joyce and we are so greatful for their love and care. Our God is an awesome God! How good it is to see the Lord's love for Joyce in action thru His servants.
More later - Pat
Real early Sunday
So I asked everyone to pack it in and head home and that I wanted Joyce to have quiet for the next couple of days. Everyone graciously complied and Joyce had a much better restful afternoon and evening. Robbi R. is our nite watch angel. As my friend Chuck P. often says, "perhaps today!"
Got to get some sleep! Good nite!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Sat. morning update 6-23
She's back into a deep sleep again now. We're at peace here at the house.
Have a blessed day in the Lord today...and go out of your way to appreciate and love those close to you!
In His Arm's,
Friday, June 22, 2007
Friday - late 6-22
Our hospice nurse said she could pass in the next day or two. We don't want to loose her but we also don't want her to remain in the state she is now in any longer. They call what we are going thru a "death watch". I like to think of it as a birth watch. Joyce is about to experience the total hope of our salvation. She is about to recieve a new habitation that will last forever - I can only imagine!
We have had so many wonderful people watching and caring with us...and so many more who want to help - our cup runs over! Thank you all so much for your kind and encouraging words and faithful prayer - it will never be forgotten - ever!
In His Arm's,
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Thursday nite 6-21-07
Someone called us wondering why Joyce wasn't on an IV for fluids. The reason we switched over to hospice was because our goals had changed. We were no longer interested in further treating the disease as further treatment would only cause more pain and weakness. We knew that as the end approached we didn't want to be in and out of hospitals and stuck with needles.
The goal has been to keep Joyce as comfortable and pain free as possible as she prepares to go home. Giving more fluids at this time would be tantamount to prolonging her pain and suffering.
Joyce is ready for her new body - and this is the path she has chosen.
We pray for the Lord's mercy to take her home soon now. Her earthly tent is about worn out. Glory with her Savior awaits! Come quickly Lord Jesus!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
In His Time
That's all she had to eat for the rest of the day. And she had only a couple sips of water all day. So it's been nearly four full days with next to no solid food and probably less than 6 oz. of liquid. Our hospice nurse said things will likely be accelerating in the next couple of days. We had a bunch of folks stop by to see Joyce and I today - and it was a blessing to be loved so much.
Unfortunately Joyce seemed uneasy about so many people coming into her room. She can't talk at this time so we don't know what she was actually feeling - tho I suspect she knew something was wrong - and later this evening, while Noelle, Jordan and I were with her on our bed, she kind of cried, "I don't want to die!" That just ripped us - we were hoping she wouldn't be scared - and she seemed a bit frightened by everything...who wouldn't?
Please continue to pray for God's angels to soothe her still active mind. Pray for the peace that passes all understanding to guard her heart. Pray for me and the kids for patient endurance - we know the end is getting close.
God keep us all in Your strong, loving arm's!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Tuesday, 6-19
Please continue to pray for God's mercy on Joyce. We know He has an appointed time for her.
In His Arm's,
Monday, June 18, 2007
Waiting 6-18-07
It's really hard to express what I'm feeling right now. I've counseled hundreds of families over the years of my ministry that have had to face a family member's death but it's a lot different when it's happening to you. Our hospice nurses have been so helpful in not only caring for Joyce but helping me and my family prepare. I go between moments of great peace and overwhelming agony. The Lord is with us - when the darkness closes in Lord, still I will say, "Blessed be the name of the Lord" You give and take away - my heart will choose to say, Lord blessed be Your name!"
I just can't imagine life without her - I know the Lord will sustain - I just can't even picture it right now. Thanks for continuing in prayer for us - the Lord of mercy hears.
In His Arm's,
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Sat. morning 6-16
Joyce probably had her best night sleep in many days last night. And as a result, so did I :-)
She's having a calm, pain free morning so far. And her thinking is a lot clearer as well.
Again, I can't thank all of you enough for continuing to pray for us thru these crazy days!
In His Arm's, Pat
Friday, June 15, 2007
Friday nite 6-15
I got home around 1pm and was pretty zonked from the sedation they gave me prior to the scope - which didn't go very well. The doc encountered a mass of some kind that prohibited him from doing the complete scope of the colon. I have to get a CT scan next Friday and then meet with a GI surgeon - whatever it is it probably needs to go - so we have this to deal with.
Today was a better day in some respects and rougher in others. Pain wise Joyce was doing much better - but she was also very disoriented couldn't put her thoughts together. The hospice folks were over this morning as well and they were trying to orient me to end of life issues - which was just ripping me up inside. But later in the afternoon, after a long deep sleep, Joyce woke up and, tho still a little loopy, was up with us for the rest of the evening, took a shower, had dinner watched some TV with Noelle, our daughter, and had a very calm and pain free time. I'm about to crash now and pray we both can sleep thru the nite without incident.
God bless all of you as you continue to lift up me and my family - we appreciate your love and care beyond words. Stay close to Jesus and keep serving one another - that's what our spiritual family is all about!
In His Arm's,
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Tuesday, 6-12 - late
And right in the middle of all this, I had to see my heart doc today and have to fast tomorrow and drink some gross chemicals in prep for a colonoscopy on Thursday - no stress here :-)
I think Switchfoot had a line on one of the songs from "Beautiful Letdown" : " fears have worn me out!" Not completely, but I'm being taken deeper in my faith than ever before to trust that He has not given me a spirit of bondage again to fear - but of power and love and a sound mind!
I know we're not the only one's hurting in the church. We know of many who are also battling cancer and other illnesses and need His comfort and our compassion and care. Help us all Lord to be Your hands and arms and words to those in need around us in these days.
Blessings! Pat
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Sat. June 9
The statistical chances of any other chemo being effective were less than 15% and the side effects of the other treatments would likely be worse because of her weakened condition already. Also, further treatment, would not, even if it worked, extend her life more than a few months and she would probably be very sick during that time. Without any treatment the doc said she statistically had 4 to 6 months left - maybe 8 tops - given the amount and types of chemo she has had and the advanced stage of the cancer. We know God may have another timetable!
So after a couple of days of reflecting and talking and praying we decided to change course and switch from paliative care to hospice care. It's really kind of a relief to move ahead now and see what God may do. We are thankful for all the treatment and care she recieved over the past three and a half years and we have peace that we did everything possible medically and now it's time to focus on quality of life. Thru hospice she will still have the same nurse and doc we had in the paliative care program and she will continue to recieve all the medications and care she needs to help keep her as comfortable as possible.
She is not bedridden and though she has periods where the pain is really bad, it usually doesn't last more than a few hours, and then she's OK and able to be up and doing things - like shopping :-). I took her Thursday and Noelle took her yesterday. She had a rough evening last nite but slept good and is ready to get her hair done this afternoon! We're just praying that her body will have some time to rid itself of the toxins from all the chemo and that she'll be able to enjoy life for a while.
Again we want to thank all of you who continue to be so faithful in praying for us - we feel very much loved and cared for!
In His Arm's,
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Wed. 6-6
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Tues. 6-5; Prov. 5
Suffice it to say that the whole chapter is about avoiding immorality - which in our day we all need to ponder and act according to the wisdom of God revealed here, and not forget that: the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and He ponders all his paths. Prov 5:21
Thanks for your prayers! Pat
Monday, June 4, 2007
Mon. 6-4; Proverbs 4
In Proverbs 4 we have a compact strategy for avoiding temptation and particularly for navigating thru the flood of immorality all around us today.
6 actions in these 2 verses if practiced, will see you thru.
14 Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not walk in the way of evil.
15 Avoid it, do not travel on it; turn away from it and pass on.
1. Don't enter the path (don't go thru the door) Don't even start in the direction of the way of the wicked.
2. Don't walk in the way; give no appearence of evil; don't allow your lifestyle to be associated in any way with evil.
3. Avoid it! Pretty simple but so difficult for many. Don't bring it into your house; don't go out of your way to find it; and if it pops up in front of you - flee from evil.
4. Don't travel upon it - not even once in a while;
5. Turn away from it! Guys especially - it's that look of lust that opens the door and starts you down the path of sexual sin. Guard your eyes. Starve your eyes from looking and your mind won't dwell on it. Bounce your eye's - turn away from the pretty girl who is not your wife! Remember this fellows - sexual sin is getting a "buzz" from any woman or depiction of a woman other than your wife. Wisdom says turn away - if you do you'll guard your heart.
6. Pass on. Don't linger around the evil way. It calls out to you - you pass right on by.
We're all confronted with evil every day - try putting into practice these "power verses' from Proverbs 4 today and walk in the right, good way!
In His Arm's, Pat