Monday, October 30, 2006


Joyce and I got away Thurs thru Sat. lastweek. The staff had blessed us with a two nite stay at the Blue Lantern Inn up in Dana Point for our 25th Anniversary at CCE, which was back in July. We finally were able to use it and we had a wonderful time.

We're doing good with all the emotions surrounding the possible recurrance of Joyce's cancer. We just have to deal with each day fresh. The Lord is so good to us - truly His mercies are new every morning!

Today I was reading about Paul and Silas in Acts 16 and their imprisonment in the Philippian jail. They had been faithfully serving the Lord and proclaiming the Gospel in Philippi when they were arrested, beaten and thrown into the prison with their feet fastened in the stocks. No doubt they were physically hurting and probably emotional beat up too, yet at midnight they were praying and singing and the other prisoners were listening. You know the rest of the story. A strong earthquake hit and shook them free from the chains and their ministry continued.

In the bleakest of circumstances God was at work whether they "felt it" or not. That just ministered to my heart to continue praying and singing - not praying and worrying but praying with joy and peace in my heart, not forgetting that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think - even while fighting cancer and pastoring the church. Our God is an awesome God! Pat

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Well here we go again. More opportunities to trust and grow in the things God has for us. Our oncologist has ordered new testing for Joyce - CT and Bone scan and brain MRI. Her tumor marker count went up, doubling from 2 months ago, so it's likely, barring Divine Intervention, that she will be starting chemo again soon.
We'll be scheduling all the tests by early next week and then meet again with the doc in December to discuss the best way to continue the fight.

Thanks to all who have been praying - please don't stop! We're both doing better this time. We're learning not to project too far ahead because our tendency is to be fearful about things that haven't happened.

God does hear all our prayers and cares more than we know about all this. How He chooses to answer is often beyond our understanding...but were not to lean on our own understanding anyway.

On another note, thought you might like a pic of our newest granddaughter, Brooklynn, born 6 weeks ago!

Blessings! Pat

Monday, October 23, 2006


Thanks to all who were praying this past weekend. Joyce did well at the retreat and was blessed on how well it went and was thankful for the many spirit-led conversations. I, of course, was glad to have her back home. Even tho she was only gone for two days the house felt empty.

The memorial service was a challenge but it really went very well. There were a lot of folks who I hadn't seen or talked to for 15 years or more. God helped me deliver a message of compassion and He helped me present the Gospel clearly. Candy Ferner helped with the music and she sang beautifully.

I haven't talked with anyone from our team at the street faire Sunday, but God blessed the day with clear, pleasant weather, 60,000 people, and lots of opportunities to talk with folks.

Sunday's morning message went well too as I spoke on "Dealing with Doubt." The text was about John the Baptist wondering if Jesus was really the Messiah because he had been thrown in prison by King Herod, who John had expected to be overthrown by then.

John dealt with doubt by directing his questioning right back to Jesus. Always the most important first step away from doubt or disappointment or depression is turn to Jesus. It's not a sin to doubt...just be sure you bring your questions first to Jesus.

A fellow named Cuyler back in the 19th century said, "Every step toward Christ kills a doubt. Every thought, word, and deed for Him carries you away from discouragement."

I think the Lord touched a lot of hearts thru the study. You can go to the website and listen to the message if you'ld like.

Anyway, all in all it was a quick weekend filled with lots of ministry so thanks for praying!

Tomorrow, Tuesday 10-24, I take Joyce back to her oncologist for her bi-monthly examination. Please pray for a good report.

In His Arm's, Pat

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I was thinking about what I wrote yesterday and the Lord directed me to John
Jesus is getting very close to the time of His death on the cross. As he is
ministering to His disciples about true servanthood, He bares His heart
about what He is facing. He says, "Now My soul is troubled, and what shall
I say? 'Father, save Me from this hour'? But for this purpose I came to this
hour. Father, glorify Your name."

The word "troubled" means agitated, stirred up; to make restless; to perplex
the mind of one by suggesting scruples or doubts; from Thayers Lexicon.

I can't imagine what Jesus must have been going thru. I'm sure His "agony"
began long before the Garden of Gethsemane. But how he approached the
anxiety that gripped His soul was not to escape it but place it as part of
His divine purpose for coming into this world.

There is so much in life that happens to us that we don't understand. So
many circumstances that tie our stomachs in knots. But I am learning that
thru it all, God is in control. I don't know how things will play out but
He does. If I dwell on my fears I'm a mess. If I put it in His hands and
remember that my purpose here is to bring glory to God - and let that guide
my thinking and actions - then His purposes will be accomplished and He will
be glorified. And if I have to hurt or grieve or struggle along the way,
which by the way seems a normal part of life here, then He will give the
strength to endure.

It wasn't easy for Jesus, but it was the will of God. It was Jesus' entire
purpose in life. And the same goes for each of us. Jesus said,
Matt. 10:38 "And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not
worthy of Me."

Life is not about fun and money and fulfillment in this world. It is about
the fact that Jesus gave His life for me, so I need to give my life for Him.
Jesus cared more about His purpose than His person. He lived to serve His
Father in heaven.

Rick Cathers, pastor of Calvary Chapel of Fullerton said, "The prize is in
finishing the race, not in quitting. A runner will never know just how he
might have placed in the final standings if he quits.

How do you know that the rough time you're facing isn't going to end up
being one of the "high points" in your life?

Just some things to think about today!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I am presently facing another mountain where I have to trust the Lord and
not lean on my fears. My precious wife, Joyce, is battling stage 4
metastatic breast cancer. Her cancer was declared to be in remission last
May and since then every two months she has testing done and meets with her
oncologist to monitor how she is doing. Her next meeting is next Tuesday,
10/23. The past couple of months have been marked by increased pain in her
right leg and hip and a couple other areas. It may be nerve damage and
arthritis accelerated by all the chemo she has had the past 3 years. It may
be something else and that's what looms large in my thoughts.

God has seen us thru many difficult and trying days - I am so greatful that
I know Him! My life and love has been deepened immeasurable thru this
constant onslaught. I think the most difficult part for me as a caregiver is
watching my helpmate hurt and being pretty powerless to stop it. And
perhaps it's not my place to stop it - really only the Lord can do that! My
place is to support and encourage and care and hold....and trust...and not
dwell on (lean on) my fears - Proverbs 3:5-6